Its said:
Once there were 3 bears. The father's name is Shut-Up, the mother's name is None Of Your Business, and the baby's name is Trouble.
One day they went to the fair and when they were finished Shut-Up said, "I am hungry. I want to go home." None Of Your Business said, "I need to to go home to cook dinner." Trouble said, "I don't want to go."
When they got in their car, Trouble snuck out and went back to the fair.
When Shut-Up and None Of Your Business were almost home, None Of Your Business looked in the back seat and Trouble was gone. She said, "Trouble's missing.!"
So, Shut-Up turned around and went very fast. "Shut-Up, slow down," said None Of Your Business but the warning was too late, the police had caught them. They stopped. The policeman went to their car and said, "What's your name?" "Shut-Up."
What's your name, Miss?" "None Of Your Business." The policeman said, "Are you looking Trouble?" They said, "Yes!"
That is the best missive I have heard in a very long time. Your son is obviously very talented and understands the world! I am sure his mother (you) had alot to do with his intelligence!
Thank you.
That's cute story.
I have not heard of that. your son must be talented alot and something I read and enjoyed when I read the children's story.
Obviously I missed in the part.. my teenager girl are now in High School.
Deaf Pixie
hello...I love this story. Its amazing how the children imagine the stories. Its so cute. Thank you for sharing.
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