Monday, July 30, 2007

Our Neighborhood

I had been thinking of writing my story about our clueless neighbor in my blog but didn't do it till after I read Lantana's new post in her blog about how her summer months went by and I got kicked in my butts to write. My summer months went well. I had been busy preparing for some courses at the college beginning on Aug 27. I chose community college instead of the university because it will be less stressful to start with than a large college and I hadn't in college in a long time. Its an Old Timer's Disease. My EX-husband had refused to let me go to college in the past. Now my new husband is encouraging me to start with. I met with a social work professor with an interpreter at the university this morning to help me choose the courses at the community college that could be transfered after two years. I'm very excited about it.

I was unable delete my post about how we get along with our neighbor as of the day of 3\8\2017. So I had to erase the part of it.

When some people in our neighborhood find out that we both are deaf, they may be awkward and figuring out on how to communicate with us. I'm shy. To meet new people and I often avoid some hearing people unless I have to meet them  for some specific reasons. A few people who found it out were willing to introduce themselves to us and exchange our text numbers. We have been blessed to have a very good neighborhood. This time of 2017, I'm writing that we have as neighborhood Facebook group page and we have been looking out for and helping each other.

Some of you like us may have been unfortunately being stuck with some clueless neighbors with whom we don't get along. We had some good ones most of the time. Like my uncle Cy, himself a good neighbor, who accidently got his neighbor's shed into a fire by a sparked fire that flew toward it when he was working in his back yard in Anacortes, Washington and Cy who was thoughful went over and took out everything of the shed before it had burned down. Cy offered to have it replaced by himself BUT his neighbor decided to file a lawsuit against him for a mental anguish but lost it in a settlement.


Lantana said...

Wow, I do not blame you for being upset, plus you are not able to meet him face to face to read him the riot act! Your neighbor must be obsessive compulsive with some socially immature tendencies thrown in. Heh, heh. 'Being me, and with halfway decent speech, I would have gone nose to nose with him, I have done it before! My deaf voice forces people to sit up and take notice. Har, Har!

We live inbetween two tempermental artists, both elderly. One complains CONSTANTLY, even if one branch of ours hangs over her side of the fence. (The fence is ours, we paid for it.) The other artist feels sorry for herself because she is a widow and it's "Poor Me" constantly, day after day after day. ~~Sigh~~ .
Another neighbor lady will talk only to my husband, she is polite to me, but her conversations are all saved for my DH. 'No juicy neighborhood gossip for me!

Hugs, Lantana

Seek Geo said...

Hi Lisa!

That's great about you going to community college. I regreted for going to private university after I graduated high school. Several people telling me to go to either community college or Gallaudet but I insisted and said I must go to better and expensive school.

It wasn't very smart choice by me because I ran out of money so I left school after second year and never looked back since. *sighs*

My bf Jes has been attending community college in past 3 years and he said it was worth it better than going to an university since they both offer same thing but the price is huge different. Oh, of course the name of school makes the difference for some people kinda like brand names if u know what I mean.

I cannot believe your Ex-hubby refused to let you. That was abusive but I am so glad you have wonderful husband who is very supportive.

Wow, crazy about Mark. I don't blame you being upset. Many people would do stuff and notice what he/she did to next house but they just act like they don't see it rather than come over to say apologize and offer to help to fix or to clean.

Not many people would be THAT nice to do it. Ah, good ol' lawsuits these days in America. People would do anything to sue. Mental anguish?! Oh my.