Our first year in Texas was really great. I had been making some local maps from the Map Quest online when we needed help finding the addresses. Its was very helpful. Living in a one bedroom apartment was no fun. Some of my favorite clothes were packed in the garage and I decided to wait till we moved into our new house. No job or interview yet. I applied for a job with the Texas Instruments company in north of Dallas at the personal office and hadn't heard anything.
We found out that the tracking wheel in Richard's Blackberry pager had been worn out and decided to buy a new Sidekick II pager for himself. We went to the T-Mobile store to get it and we had fun playing with it. My old Blackberry pager was still working well.
The weather in Plano, Texas was a lot warmer than in Pacific NW. I was puzzled when I saw some people in their t-shirts and shorts in the evening when we went to the grocery store because I had seen people in long pants and jackets when we lived in North Idaho before we left. The longer Summer and warmer weather weather boosts my weak immune system.
There were some lawn mowers outside of Lowe's and Home Depot in October and even in December.

The built in camera in Richard's new Sidekick II was really cool. When we were at Lowe's one day late in October, I took a picture of the lawn mowers outside to show it to my brother Dale via email because in Pacific NW, they were put indoor in the first week of September. He replied saying that I was so nasty because he hated a cold weather and there were snow blowers outside of Lowe's and Home Depot in NW. Dale said he had to put away his summer clother and we didn't. He loves Summer. He has a condo in Spokane, Washington but lives with our dad at the lake in North Idaho where my parents moved in 1984 from Spokane.

There was a bank temperature near our apartment complex and I took a picture of it for Dale to see on one day in late November when it was so very warm at 82 degrees. I gave him bad time about how warm the weather was. He printed it and showed it to our dad. He was giggling. We don't understand why our dad loves Fall but I told him it's a football season which our dad can not live without.

We had been looking a new house in Fort Worth because the price ranges were lot cheaper than in Plano where we lived for 8 months. Finally on one day in November we found a very nice subdivision and on Christmas Eve made an offer on the lot where our new house was being built after discussing with Renee the realtor whom we met a month before at the model home office. She had been so very nice and took time answering our questions. We read and signed the paper work and paid only one buck on earnest money agreement. We found out that the area was about 10 miles away from the Texas Motor Speedway. How exciting!

A month later we made a nother trip to see Renee again with some paperwork to choose the model of the new house, bricks, colors of the walls, floors and carpents, etc. We started visiting the lot every two weeks after the ground was leveled. The closing was going to be on May 26, 2006.
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