Our cat Pumba loves to play with some plastic straps we removed from the milk jugs (see top picture). She carries one of them around in her mouth since she was a kitten. She drops them into either of her cat food bowl and a large water bowl she shares with our dog. We had adopted her from the vet's pet shop in Spokane, Washington the same month we adopted a yellow lab puppy from a very nice breeder's farm in Newport north of Spokane when we lived in north Idaho in 2004. She acts like a raccoon because is very mischievous like jumping on any surface and knocking everything off. My brother said that raccoon was probably dyed to look like a cat. We love her too much. One day in May 2006 we were packing for move, we notcied that Pumba was vomiting after each meal for two days. I talked with the vet's nurse about it and she suggested me to restrict her from any food for a day which I did but she continue to vomit so we took her to the vet the next day to be checked. The vet found a dime in her intestine through the x-ray that had been taken. So he had to tear her belly up to get it out right away and kept her over night. When we picked her up, the vet gave us the dime in a rx bottle with a little bottle of pain medication and antibodies for her to take. We noticed the black spots all over her shaved belly (see below) and thought she looked so cute. She often sleeps with her back on the surfaces. We paid the total of $500.00. She was feeling much better. She still sleeps during the day and parties at night.

The picture of your cat with the plastic milk thingy in her mouth is hilarious!! Cats are so funny!! I love them. So sorry she swallowed a dime and I'm glad she is better now. Kim-- still **laffin**
Poor things,
Your cat is alright!! Poor thing she gulped a dime. Not Fun, the part to rid of dime, The vet cost you so much!
Take care of your cat!
How the heck can a cat swallow a dime??? They cannot really pick it up with their paws, so I am surprised to hear that.
But then my cat does put everything in his mouth--dust bunnies, bows, shoelaces, anything that is "stringy." He loves rubber bands the most! But I cannot let him playing with it because I know he will try to eat it (and I don't want to pay a hefty vet bill like you did!).
My cat picks up anything with her mouth that's why she swallowed a dime. She also likes to play with a rubber band but I wouldn't let her because I'm afraid she would swallow it. We make sure there is no coin on the floor and surfaces.
So you learned from me and will save your vet's bills in the furture.(smile)
I recently noticed our dog sitting in the kitchen by her water bowl, I checked it and found a plastic strap in it again. Yes, I take care of my sweet "raccoon".
I'm glad she is okay now! My cat loves playing with the milk pastic thingy and it's always been fun to watch him playing! Cats are always, always, always creative! ;)
Lisa C. (who happens to be one of my former students!) you are doing a terrific job of story telling. Animal stories appeal to everyone! I am so happy that your life in Texas has worked out for you two. It hasn't been easy!
I will be down to visit you WHEN THE WEATHER IS COOL! Hugs, Lantana
Hi Lisa C.!
I thought I left a comment on here but I realize I never sent cuz I rushed out to watch TV a few nights ago. Ha ha
I remember that I was asking about something like I thought if someone or a pet swallows a dime, won't it go all way out regardless?
Or it's just your cat's case where the dime was stuck? I find it strange but interesting. I'm just grateful that your cat was okay.
Oh lord, I'd freak out if something happen to one of our cats. They are so adorable and we love them soo much like our own kids!!
Oh dear... so cute pics!!
I was raised on an All Jersey Dairy only 100 miles away from where I live now. I can recall my dad running in from the barn and dialing the vet's phone number in panic when one of the animals was in crisis. In those days, hay was baled with wire and it wasn't uncommon for cows to swallow pieces of wire,which often had to be surgically removed. I can imagine that each situation is different and that perhaps alot of the danger comes from the metal's chemistry itself.
I know downtown here, one of our stores lost a whole tank of saltwater fish because some tourist threw a penny into the tank!
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