This afternoon we were covering the big hole our yellow lab dog had dug under the fence and we put the 2x4 stud with sticks and screws and bricks underneath hopefully she won't dig again. We know that she will!! She gets so excited when she hears some kids or pets playing in their yard next door and wants to play with them. Do you guys have an idea how to make the dogs stop digging? If she was on a leach, she would pull herself out of her harness.
Happy Easter!
Really the best way is to supervise her so she won't have the opportunity to dig her way
Happy Easter to you, too, sweetie and to Dick the clown man!
For the fence and the dog, bury CHICKEN WIRE and when it is still underground, bend it towards your yard and the cover it with dirt and grass. I hope you understand what I mean. You know my VP number!
Hugs, Lantana
I agree with you. I'd been outside supervising since she dug a big hole. I will continue doing that even maybe I'll in my night gown and bathrobe at middle of the night.(chuckle)
Happy Easter to you, too.
Thanks for sharing and I like your colors. It's nice and soft.
Yes, I understand what you mean.I will call you on vp when it's working.
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Fill the hole with your dog's poop, it helped with our dogs in the past when they tried to dig hole near plants. I know it sounds nasty but it works! Also it helps plant grow well and greener! Our rhodys bloomed flowers so beautiful and big (good thing they still smelled good, ha).
Deaf Kathy,
Burying dog's poops....Ick.
I will try it in one place and see if it helps. Thanks
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